Environment Department
Within the Environmental Department, there are two specialised areas: Biodiversity and Environmental Engineering. Both, with highly qualified personnel.

Environmental Services
The correct management of waste, the management of emission measurements or immission levels, the management of spills, the measurement of environmental noise or the management of potentially soil-polluting activities, as well as the calculation of the carbon footprint.
Environmental monitoring and critical control points
Once a project has the corresponding Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), it is necessary to carry out an environmental monitoring, both during the construction of the project and during its operation and functioning.
Integrated environmental authorisation
The integrated environmental authorisation is an environmental authorisation procedure, prescribed by Law 16/2002, in which the obtaining of all environmental licenses that an industry must obtain are unified in a single procedure.
We draw up environmental projects and undertake the construction management of projects related to the design of waste management and treatment plants, as well as landfills.
Environmental impact
The environmental impact assessment is an essential environmental authorisation procedure which any project intended to be undertaken in the environment must pass.
These inventories are key to determining the presence of flora and fauna species in the surroundings of the project and the use which may be made of the territory in order to determine the environmental viability of the projects and the effects these may have on the species.